Tax accounting for businesses after the TCJA: Some widely applicable and lesser-known changes

completed contract method

Effective for amounts paid or incurred on or after Dec. 22, 2017, local lobbying expenses are no longer deductible (Sec. 162(e)(1)). Taxpayers should consider reviewing their local lobbying expenses in light of the new rules. One disadvantage of the cash method is that taxable income can vary from year to year depending on the timing of cash receipts, and tax planning can be a more difficult and time-consuming process at year-end. Want to better understand your construction company’s revenue reporting options? Have you been trained and certified in your current accounting system? Do you use shortcuts in your system, bypassing the recommended workflows for estimating, billing, and collecting from customers?

How do I treat expenses that are incurred after the contract is completed using CCM?

GAAP allows another method of revenue recognition for long-term construction contracts, the percentage-of-completion method. With this method, revenue is recognized when the contract is fulfilled. The contract is considered complete when the costs remaining are insignificant. CCM is generally advantageous because it defers revenue longer than either the cash or accrual method of accounting.

Construction Progress Billing: Keeping the Cash Flowing

  • The Completed-contract method is an accounting method of work-in-progress evaluation, for recording long-term contracts.
  • Assuming that the project was finished on time and the customer paid in full, the company would record revenue of $2 million and the expenses for the project at the end of year two.
  • Construction in Process and Progress Billings will continue to accrue until the project wraps up.
  • Pre-TCJA, a contribution to capital (and exclusion from gross income) did not include any contribution in aid of construction or as a customer or potential customer.

They record income and expenses using the Percentage of Completion method of accounting, which provides an accurate, ongoing reflection of the company’s financial picture. The completed contract method is one of the most popular accounting methods in the construction industry. It’s the preferred method for short-term contracts and residential projects because of its simplicity and the ability to shift costs and tax liability to the end of the project.

Completed Contract Method (CCM): Examples in Accounting

  • Additionally, the “taxpayer” referred to in the test includes any predecessor of the taxpayer.
  • Notice that Work in Progress and Progress Billing are both balance sheet accounts.
  • Well, as far as I know, there is no sure way to do that with stocks, but there is a way to do that with bonds.
  • Therefore, you must use the lookback method to calculate the interest to pay, based on what should have been reported minus what actually was reported.
  • The firm will also report 40% of the $3 million in expenses ($3 million x 0.4).

In general, a “long-term contract” is for the manufacture, building, installation, or construction of property and is not completed within the tax year during which the contract is entered into (Sec. 460(f)). Small construction contracts may use a completed-contract method, the exempt-contract percentage-of-completion method, or any other permissible method. The TCJA thus expands the exception for small construction contracts to taxpayers that do not have more than $25 million in average annual gross receipts (up from $5 million) for contracts entered into in tax years ending after 2017. By deferring the recognition of revenue and expenses until the end of the project, the company might put itself at risk of higher tax liabilities. For example, let’s say a project is estimated to take three years to complete and tax laws change, leading to an increase in the business tax rate.

Percentage of Completion

Some companies prefer the cash method of accounting for revenue and expenses. The cash method recognizes revenue when cash is received from clients, and expenses are recorded when they’re paid. Although the cash method might be straightforward, it can delay recording revenue and expenses until the money is earned or paid out. Real property trades or businesses or farming businesses may elect to be exempt from the business interest expense limitation. The IRS issued proposed regulations that provide the mechanics for making an irrevocable Sec. 163(j)(7) election to be treated as an electing real property trade or business or an electing farming business.

The Ultimate Guide to Retainage in the Construction Industry

In contrast to the percentage of completion method, which records estimated revenue in each period based on the percentage of completion of the contract, the completed contract method defers contract revenue. However, even the completed contract method does not defer recognition of related costs and expenses. While guidance for revenue recognition may have changed in recent years, contractors will find much from the completed contract method alive and well. If the gist is to hold off revenue from the income statement until it’s assured, ASC 606 point-in-time recognition uses a similar procedure.

The Benefits of Proper Revenue Recognition for Specialty Contractors

Contractors tend to favor this method when the actual contract costs are hard to estimate, the project is short, or the company has a number of ongoing projects that contracts are finished regularly each year. As an additional bonus, this method eliminates the problem of estimating errors that can occur using the percentage of completion as a guidepost. There’s no need to estimate costs when using the completed contract method since those costs are readily apparent at the end of the contract.

completed contract method

The completed contract accounting method is frequently used in the construction industry or other sectors that involve project-based contracts. Sec. 118 excludes from gross income contributions to the capital of a corporation. Pre-TCJA, a contribution to capital (and exclusion from gross income) did not include any contribution in aid of construction or as a customer or potential customer. Under amended Sec. 118, a contribution to capital also does not include any contribution by any governmental entity or civic group (other than a contribution made by a shareholder) (Sec. 118(b)(2)). This new treatment applies to contributions made after Dec. 22, 2017, unless the contribution is made by a government entity pursuant to a “master development plan” that was approved prior to the effective date by a government entity.

completed contract method

completed contract method

The Sec. 263A uniform capitalization (UNICAP) rules apply to taxpayers that maintain inventories. The TCJA exempts any producer or reseller that meets the gross receipts test from the application of UNICAP. C corporations, partnerships with C corporation partners, and tax shelters are prohibited from using the cash receipts and disbursements method of accounting under Sec. 448(a). However, a C corporation or a partnership with a C corporation partner may use the cash method if it meets the Sec. 448(c) gross receipts test.

Other types of construction contracts qualify for the completed contract method if they satisfy the general CCM requirements. However, because of this delay in completed contract method revenue recognition, the business will be allowed to defer recognition of the related income taxes. If the company expects a loss on the contract, it will be recognized when such an expectation arises. Therefore, the company should realize the same before the end of the contract period. Therefore, during construction progress, Jones Realty doesn’t gain anything from the work done. Under the contract, they pay Build-It periodically for progress completed, but there’s no transfer of control yet.

Companies that use the CCM must have some sort of accounts to hold these transactions until recognition. There is also a 10% rule, whereby, if the taxpayer so elects, the recognition of income and the deduction of expenses can be delayed until the tax year in which at least 10% of the cumulative, allocable contract costs have been incurred. If the taxpayer or the contract does not qualify for the completed contract method, then the percentage of completion method must be used. If you watched my video, you noticed I do not adhere to accounting reporting conventions on the balance sheet. However, the move to the completed contract method is far more than an academic accounting exercise.

Recording losses at once represents the most conservative form of accounting, ensuring that financial statement users are aware of problems as soon as they arise. The company will report its revenue of $1 million to recognize the two payments for $500,000 that the customer made at the end of the six-month and one-year milestones. No deduction was allowed for any fine or similar penalty paid to a government for the violation of any law prior to the TCJA.